Princeton: Phone: (609) 921-1755 | Perth Amboy (732) 324-7700

Anderl and Arango, P.C.

We are a New Jersey criminal defense firm located in Perth Amboy.
The firm’s attorneys are experts in State and Federal criminal felony cases. 


Mark Anderl, Esq.
used with permission Portrait Pros LLC


Anderl and Arango, P.C.

We are a New Jersey criminal defense firm located in Perth Amboy.
The firm’s attorneys are experts in State and Federal criminal felony cases. 


Guillermo Arango, Esq.
used with permission by Portrait Pros LLC


Anderl and Arango, P.C.

We are a New Jersey criminal defense firm located in Perth Amboy.
The firm’s attorneys are experts in State and Federal criminal felony cases. 

Se Habla Español




Practice Areas


Homicide, Theft, CDS Distribution, Kidnapping, Sexual Assault, Robbery


Fraud, Forgery, Gun Cases, All DEA & FBI RICO Investigations


such as possession or marijuana under 60 grams, possession of drug paraphernalia, simple assault, and harassment


Alcohol related automobile accidents, arrests, reckless driving, careless driving, speeding. Drug offenses including possession/drug paraphernalia.


Arrests, Felony, Disorderly Person and Ordinance Convictions, Juvenile Adjudications

Hablamos Español

Anderl and Arango es un despacho de abogados penalista en el estado de Nueva Jersey con oficinas en Perth Amboy y Princeton. Nuestro despacho suministra una gama completa de servicios legales. Para representarle mejor, todas nuestras secretarias legales y ayudantes son bilingües en español e inglés. Además, Guillermo Arango habla español con soltura. Mucho más importante: todos nuestros abogados son expertos en casos penales estatales y federales. Anderl y Arango están certificados por la Corte Suprema del estado de Nueva Jersey como abogados de juicios penales y entre los dos han llevado a juicio más de 300 casos. Mientras la mayor parte de los casos penales se resuelven por medio de un acuerdo de reducción de pena con el estado, la experiencia en juicios siempre ayuda al alcance de la resolución más favorable posible para nuestros clientes.

Para casos estatales, nuestro despacho trabaja en todos los condados de Nueva Jersey, con énfasis especial en los condados de Middlesex, Mercer, Unión, Essex, Somerset, Passaic y Burlington. Su práctica también incluye a personas acusadas de manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol y ofensas de mala conducta en municipalidades dentro de estos mismos condados. Sus casos federales les llevan con regularidad a los tres Tribunales de Distrito de los Estados Unidos (Newark, Trenton y Camden).

Anderl and Arango ha representado con éxito a acusados en una amplia variedad de casos, desde homicidio a manejar bajo la influencia de alcohol. Mark Anderl y Guillermo Arango están siempre disponibles para una consulta gratuita. Nuestro despacho le garantiza una representación entusiasta y eficaz ante los tribunales y un servicio confiable y atento tanto de los abogados como de el personal de secretarias legales y ayudantes.


Anderl & Oakley help me with a restraining order and a criminal case. We went into restraining order thinking it’s really hard to get one dropped. The odds where against me but they were awesome. He got the truth out and knows the laws in and out and it got dropped. They will tell you how it is and won’t sugar coat it. Its nice to know what you are expecting and to know someone has your back. They are now working on my criminal case and have done a great job. I have complete faith and believe in Anderl & Oakley.  If I ever need an attorney again or know of anyone who needs one I will definitely recommend them.
Great Attorney

David went out of the way to defend me in a wrongful case, legitimately and rightfully so, and successfully got the Case dismissed. David is very creative, professional, accountable and responsible. He clearly articulates the pros and cons of the various options available, provides a professional recommendation, and accepts and respects the decision made by the client, and then stands by it and supports it all the way. It was a pleasure to work with Mr. Oakley.
Excellent Attorney

It is hard to overestimate how frightening and stressful it is when your child gets arrested. In this situation, David Oakley was a godsend. He was very capable and conscientious and obtained an excellent outcome.
David Oakley is genuinely interested in our community and worked hard to help my daughter understand the consequences of her actions from a legal standpoint. He provided the intellectual and emotional insight throughout our ordeal. I highly recommend him with absolutely no reservations.
A Godsend

An excellent law firm, the kind of help you want in situations when you need a lawyer.  Responds quickly, to the point and gives you from the beginning the feeling you are in good hands. Competent and well connected, they know law and the people who are interpreting it. Everything went precisely as anticipated and thus very well.
Excellent service and enjoyable cooperation

Contact Us

Call us in Perth Amboy at 732-324-7700 to schedule an initial consultation or use this form to send us a confidential email.

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